British Movement organised a pan-Nationalist meeting to honour the two vanguard figures of post-1945 British racial Nationalism.
November 23rd 2019: British Movement activists and supporters joined racial Nationalists from a number of organisations at a venue in West Yorkshire to honour the two veterans of post-1945 British Nationalism, Colin Jordan and John Tyndall. It is now ten years since Colin Jordan passed away and fourteen years since the passing of John Tyndall. The two men had collaborated on many fronts since 1958 until the early death of JT in 2005.
Speakers at the meeting included former British National Party MEP Andrew Brons, National Front speaker Richard Edmonds and Peter Rushton from Heritage and Destiny. Other speakers included Dr James Lewthwaite, BM National Secretary Steve Frost, BM and Blood and Honour activist and muscian Benny ‘Whitelaw’ and Nationalist environmental commentator Alec Suchi. There was a range of British Nationalist literature on sale and a plentiful buffet of hot and cold food provided by activists from BMWD (British Movement Women’s Division). A short fund raising auction of Nationalist items took place at the end of the meeting.