The British National Socialist Movement honours the date and salutes our racial comrades and kindred world wide.
Month: April 2020
The so-called ‘liberal-democracy’ tightens its grip on the UK population. Covid-19 is just an excuse.
The Conservative government has introduced levels of population control and surveillance unheard of outside war time. The police in the United Kingdom have been granted stop and control powers, plus the power to arrest or issue on the spot fines to people who the police deem to be in breach of isolation regulations. These police powers could remain in place for up to two years after the general lock down restrictions have been lifted. Plus gatherings of three or more people are currently banned.
British Movement pod-cast. Episode 26. Out now on BitChute.
Meanwhile: looking back to the weeks before lock down, the BM Mercian Volunteers carried out propaganda street actions across England.
Places visited by Mercian Volunteers; Central Birmingham, West Birmingham, South Birmingham, Halesowen, Dudley and Stourbridge in Worcestershire, Leeds, York, Hull in Yorkshire, Seaham (County Durham), Slough in Berkshire, Shrewsbury in Shropshire, Chippenham in Wiltshire, Leatherhead in Surrey, Walsall in Staffordshire and finally West London.
The Cause Continues even in lock-down
Britain is now under lock-down conditions never seen before during peacetime. The government has given the police new powers to prevent public travel and both indoor and outdoor gatherings. Obviously this has greatly reduced political activism on the streets and has prevented any meetings or gatherings. Nevertheless, our Cause continues. British Movement output on social media continues, especially on BM Telegram outlets.