The Invasion of Britain:- 2020

Illegal Immigration Continues Even Though the General Population of the United Kingdom is in Covid-19 Lock Down.

Across the English Channel a steady flow of illegal immigration is taking place during the calm seas and warm weather of April and May 2020. People smugglers based in the refugee squatter camps in France and Belgium are behind the armada of inflatable boats and RIBS carrying the illegal immigrants, mostly young men, and virtually all economic migrants. The mainstream media has largely ignored the situation preferring to focus on the Corona-virus emergency and parroting government guidelines and state approved ‘feel-good stories’

This is a very rare piece of reporting on the invasion by the BBC, but the BBC journalists seek to play the sympathy card for the illegal immigrants by referring to them as ‘refugees’ and as ‘undocumented migrants’.
This is more like the reality !
And the British government has very quietly flown in migrants from the refugee camps camps in Greece, claiming that they are “re-uniting un-escorted ‘Refugee Children’ with family members already settled in Britain. Yet rare media images reveal that some of these “children” look more like adults.
Meanwhile across the Mediterranean the Invasion of Europe continues.……
The Mainstream Media would have us believe that these are all potential Doctors, Nurses, Architects and Scientists…..