British Movement says: – the multicultural version of Britain is starting to fall apart.

The recent riots in the Leeds district of Harehill will have come as a surprise only to those who have lived in a cave these past 20 years. For everyone else it was a drearily predictable (and frightening) portent of what our corrupt and incompetent political elites are determined to foist on the indigineous people of this country – large numbers of illiterate, angry and welfare-dependent males who are perfectly prepared to use violence in pursuit of their aims. 

But considerably more troubling was the speed with which these groups were able to mobilise en masse and seemingly doing so only minutes after having identified an existential threat. Although many of these ‘communities’ are riven with ideological and cultural schisms, they are able to rapidly put aside these differences and respond nimbly to anything they perceive as an enemy incursion. They act with impunity because they know full well that the police are reluctant to intervene because of the ‘community backlash’ that would ensue if the police decided to enforce the law with the same vigour that they reserve for indigenous people who dare to stand up for their rights.

As we have already seen in the General Election, groups who identify according to faith have no interest in domestic policies; they vote only in a manner which they believe will afford them the best chance of securing a permanent place at the high table of British society. Party politics is nothing more than a stalking horse by which they are able to smuggle their true agenda past the the credulous simpletons who pass for our elected representatives. They vote not to improve the lives of everyone, but in a way that aims to subjugate all indigenous folk and result in nothing less than the primacy of their own culture.

We should, therefore , be very worried about the speed with which such diverse groups of people are able to unite under the banner of religion whenever they perceive a threat. Although such groups are invariably riven by internal infighting, when it comes to defeating a common enemy, all such doctrinal differences are quickly set aside.

Sadly, white folk share no such common identity. Decades of media propaganda has rendered us divided, distracted and resigned to the inevitably of our decline. The notion of caring for our own folk seems seems to elude us whenever we are presented with an opportunity to satisfy our own selfish wants.

Many years ago, I had a conversation with a conspicuously successful Hindu businessman. He explained to me better than anyone before or since, the essential difference between Asian families and their white equivalents. He stated that in the main, the Asian family was a cohesive unit where all members were single-minded in their determination to focus their energy on the economic betterment of their extended family unit. In this model, everyone had an iron-clad duty to work for the common good and make whatever personal sacrifices necessary to achieve that goal. He cited an example whereby his sister unexpectedly lost her husband to a freak accident. As the sole breadwinner, his death placed this branch of their family in serious financial peril. Without giving the matter a second thought, her brothers resolved to pay their sister’s mortgage and household expenses for as long as it took for her to be able to support herself, no matter whether this took 12 months or 12 years to resolve. Such an obligation occasionally caused each brother to experience various degrees of personal hardship, but reneging on their promise to their sister was never an option. Their obligation to the well-being of the wider family unit trumped all personal considerations.

He also dispelled the notion that Asian-owned corner shops flourished only because Asians somehow worked ‘harder’ than their English counterparts. Running a corner shop that operates 7 days a week, 52 weeks is not for the faint-hearted. But Asians are consistently able to make a success of such ventures because each family member understands the role they are obligated to play in the collective success of the family venture. Children will return home from school and after completing their homework will undertake their shift in the shop. Relatives who may have their own jobs will also pitch in as required in order to ensure continuity of service. The participation of these peripheral family members allows the principals to work regular hours which they would not be able to do so were it not for the assistance they receive.

Such an arrangement is scarcely believable in indigenous white communities where we are consistently encouraged to prioritise immediate needs over the long-term moral and financial health of our folk. 

If, however, we are to stand any chance of arresting this decline, we must quickly rediscover our kinship and love of our own people and culture. A failure to do so quickly will spell nothing less than disaster.

Together with the Fourteen words – this is the message that British Movement is seeking to drill into the British public consciousness.
Contact British Movement

Britain Awake!

Propaganda – Propaganda – Propaganda. British Movement believes that winning the propaganda war on the streets and in the homes of the White British is the vital step forward in building a British National Socialist ‘Revolution From Below’. The average White British adult can now see that the main establishment political parties have wrecked our national economy, have betrayed British culture, heritage and traditions and have totally undermined our nation’s ethnic heritage. A multi-racial, multicultural Britain is a disaster and our major urban centres are becoming a focus for Third World attitudes, cultures and values, not British values. London is supposed to be Britain’s capital city but the ethnic makeup of London’s population no longer reflects Britain, the White British are now an ethnic minority in Greater London. That is a recipe for future turmoil and even greater social chaos. Diversity is NOT our strength it is a weeping, open wound in our national body.

The British people must realise that the Fourteen Words is the only political slogan worth following – We Will Have Our Country Back!

Looking After Our Own!

Small scale but appreciated hand-outs for the homeless.

LOOKING AFTER OUR OWN! The British Movement social welfare project. Modern British National Socialism in action.

The British Movement social welfare project ‘Looking After Our Own’ is built on the model set down by the National Socialist DAP in the 1920’s and 1930’s; “Winterhilfeswerke” (WHW -Winter Help) and the later NSV.

Street propaganda campaigns help to spread the word.
Food hand outs for the homeless
Feeding the homeless, a BM activist giving hand-outs to the homeless in central Manchester :- there are over 7,000 homeless on the streets of Manchester and Salford, the majority are White British. But illegal immigrants and ‘asylum seekers’ are house in hotels and multi occupancy private rental houses at tax-payer’s expense. The Home Office pays out millions per week to house, feed, clothe, provide medical treatment etc. to ‘migrants’ but gives nothing to the British homeless.

Over the last twelve years or more British Movement has operated an on-going social welfare project ‘Looking After Our Own!’ which has fund raised, also ran collections at BM meetings called ‘Bring a Tin’, which organised food parcels for unemployed BM members, supporters and their families. This operated across the counties of England and Wales, as well as an experimental project in Northern Ireland. In Scotland, ‘Looking After Our Own!’ fund raised to cover funeral costs for bereaved BM families. ”Looking After Our Own!’ has also raised significant cash support for both BM members and known British Nationalists suffering from terminal illness or disabling conditions. The point being is that where State services fail to support, the NS network steps up.

Bring A Tin’ collection of foodstuff in Ulster awaiting distribution to impoverished families.
Ulster: The ‘Looking After Our Own” campaigns made it clear to those receiving the donated foodstuff exactly which organisation was behind the distribution.
No one ever refused the offered support.
Laying the foundations of the NS Folk Community.

Building strong support amongst White British folk is part and parcel of community politics, it demonstrates to non-political people exactly what British National Socialism is about and generates grass roots support for British Movement, especially in White working-class communities.

Building a support network outside the services provided by the State.
This is the first step towards the BM project -‘Community Build’.

A Time of Opportunity in Britain and Across Europe.

Across Europe the White Folk are waking up and the political Left is becoming alarmed at what they see as the ‘rising of the Far-Right’.
In real terms Europe is seeing a rising of racial Nationalist and folkish Nationalist organisations who are prepared to challenge the internationalist politicos of the European Union, the globalists of the World Economic Forum, the assorted elements of the ‘Woke’ Left and to oppose the Third World invasion that constitutes the Great Replacement.

In Britain too there are positive signs that the White British are waking up and are refusing to accept the political mainstream, are prepared to challenge the insidious campaigns of the ‘woke’ progressives and the political Left.

Above all the White British are opening their eyes to the reality of the Great Replacement, the un-ending Cross Channel illegal immigration, tens of thousands of so-called ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum-seekers’ living in hotels at tax-payers expense, while native British are living as homeless on the streets.
The Dark Reality of the ‘Great Replacement’ in Britain and Western Europe.

In London, the indigenous White British are now a minority population.
The image above is a representation of the reality of life for some White British children in the schools of some London boroughs.

Sadly this kind of dark reality is not confined to Greater London and is repeated in too many urban centres across metropolitan conurbations of England.
The many faces of the opponents and challenges that British Movement faces in the Britain of 2024.

It is the fact that patriots, racial Nationalists and National Socialists must face down all these threats that creates the opportunities to advance the Folkish politics of ‘Race and Nation’, to awaken the general public to the concept of the Fourteen Words. that offers our cause new paths ahead.
The Traditional Imagery of European National Socialism Always Has A Place In Our Iconography!
Another interpretation of the Fourteen Words but just as meaningful.
Aryan Europe is NOT a thing of the past!

Resisting the Great Replacement.

The liberal media describe these people as “desperately fleeing war/persecution/torture/oppression< * delete as appropriate>. However most are economic migrants, some are recently released criminals, many are unemployable, unskilled free-loaders keen to exploit the social welfare systems of Britain and mainland Europe.

The political Left and mainstream media broadcasters would have us believe that these are all future scientists, doctors and skilled workers all ready and willing to boost our economy and ‘contribute’ to our society. Experience has shown that this is rarely the reality. In a handful of cases in the UK, some ‘migrants’ have in fact been Islamist terrorists, others have been mentally unstable individuals, unemployable sociopaths who have gone on to commit violent crimes including murders.

Illegal immigration in the form of the cross Channel invasion, has resulted in the housing of ‘migrants and refugees’ in hotel complexes across the United Kingdom. All regions of the UK have been affected, pictured above is a migrant hotel protest by local activists in Northern Ireland.
This scenario has been repeated across England, Wales and parts of Scotland.
The real problem are the white liberals and Left-wing activists who are assisting, effectively aiding and abetting the great Replacement by welcoming, advising and sheltering illegal immigrants under the pretext that these ‘invaders’ are actually refugees or asylum-seekers, when in reality most are economic migrants interspersed with a number of career criminals.
It is an established fact that some of the NGO organisations ‘rescuing’ and assisting illegal migrants in the Mediterranean are part funded by globalist organisations or “international philanthropists’ such as George Soros.
British Movement has been in opposition to the cross Channel invasion from the beginning and continues to actively campaign against illegal immigration.
The Great Replacement is a threat to every part of the United Kingdom and to every part of Europe.

British Movement: Campaigning against the ‘Great Replacement’ and fighting to bring the ’14 Words’ to the British people.

The liberals, leftists and the ‘Woke’ are constantly beating the drum about the myth of ‘White Privilege’ – but the reality for ordinary White folk is very different to the Marxist fantasy the Woke promote.
Urban or rural – the message from BM remains the same
British National Socialist Defiance !
British Movement rejects multiculturalism- rejects a multi-racial society and is determined to organise and motivate the White British to take our country back.

British Movement: Fighting Against Globalism and Cultural Marxism.

Britain, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and possibly all Western Civilization is under attack by the combined forces of the Globalists, Cultural Marxists and International Finance. A toxic mixture of powerful, international economic elites, ‘One-world’ Internationalists, the assorted factions of the political Left and the old enemies of Western Culture and the White Race.

Sadly the majority of the White British population have been conned into believing that there are no threats to their materialistic way of life. They accept the word of the mass mainstream media as the truth. Consumerism and celebrity culture fogs their minds.
The lie that multiculturalism is not a threat to the nation and that ‘equality’ and diversity benefits the nation.
The time has come for a Great Awakening !

Ulster: Still a battleground of conflicting ideals, still a battleground for conflicting cultures and traditions, the internationalists are slowly increasing the non-white population of Northern Ireland in the belief that a ‘multi-racial, multicultural Ulster’ will be easily shifted into a united Ireland. A united Ireland controlled by the European Union and with an increasing non-white population in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

This image of Aryan pride in Ulster and its history is just one of several items of
British Movement literature that have been attacked by the forces of the

political Left in Northern Ireland.
(see below)
Strange how elements like ‘Progressive Politics’ seek to silence opposition to a multicultural, Marxist future in Northern Ireland, and consider that to be “progressive”.
Available now from NS PRESS UK – Broadsword issue 60.


British Movement ideas and activity in February 2021 at a glance.

14 Words
Sticker action in the West Midlands by the Mercian Volunteers
Not just television – the CIA were heavily involved in funding the development of Facebook.
Available now from NS PRESS UK
c/o BM Sunwheel Office. P O Box 6. Heckmondwike. West Yorkshire. WF16 0XF
The Covid-19 lockdown restrictions greatly interfere with our planned activities but the message of British National Socialism continues to go out onto the streets

Folk Community

Building the British National Socialist Folk Community.

The need to connect with ordinary White British people, who are not politically active has to be one of the key objectives for British Movement activists. Amongst those of our Folk we must reach out to are those White working-class British people who by circumstances are living within urban, multi-racial neighbourhoods. Often in the urban metropolitan conurbations these White British families or individuals are surrounded by non-whites, in districts dominated by alien cultures, ethnic minority owned businesses and shops, basically an ethnic minority in a corner of their own homeland. In the words of an old East End Blackshirt activist in the 1930’s, ” endeavour to spread the creed of national socialism throughout the ‘British Colony’ of this ‘International Settlement’.” Contact with, and support from fellow British White racial activists can provide a life-line to these beleaguered White British citizens.