Not On Our Watch! British Movement podcast August 2024.


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Multicultural Britain the fracture lines are increasing.

The Southport Mass Stabbings and the Murder of British Children

Over recent weeks multi-cultural, multi-racial Britain has started to fracture. The much vaunted ‘community cohesion’ and ‘diversity’ is exposed as a fraud. the Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer is operating ‘Two-Tier’ policing and ‘Two Tier’ justice, rushing through the arrests and prosecutions of white British rioters, looters and anti-immigration activists, but failing to arrest or pursue legal action against non-white rioters and armed mobs in Birmingham, Bolton and Croydon, south London. So the Prime Minister Starmer has been dubbed ‘Two-Tier Keir’.

The Sunwheel flag of British Movement in the centre of Southport.
No rioting, no arson, no looting – British National Socialist discipline and resolve.
Europe responds to the Southport atrocity. Recognition of the Southport murder of three innocent little girls and the mass stabbing of others and two adults has been recognised across France, Belgium and Spain for the genocidal crime that it is.
The Labour government of Sir Kier Starmer has been quick to prosecute those who rioted after the Southport atrocity.
‘Two-Tier’ Kier has made his hatred for the so called ‘Far-Right’ very clear even though most of those arrested, charged and prosecuted for taking part in the riots so far have mostly been common criminals and looters, not political activists.
Peaceful but determined British Movement political activity in the centre of Southport a week after the Southport atrocity and after the riots ended.
Islamist ‘demonstrators’ in Rochdale who besieged Rochdale Police station and threatened disorder on the streets.
Such overt displays of a threat to public order does not receive critical media attention nor does it seem to trouble ‘Two-Tier’ Kier.
A respectful floral tribute laid by British Movement activists at the memorial in Southport to the murdered children.
Islamist demonstrators in Birmingham gathered in response to a non-existent anti-immigration protest. Police failed to respond as masked militants openly carried knives, baseball bats and metal poles, threatened TV crews and journalists. A pub was attacked and an isolated white man assaulted in broad daylight. Another example of Two-tier policing in modern Britain.
Rioting in Harehills, Leeds – the majority of the mob were from immigrant backgrounds, the disorder and arson went unchecked as uniformed police officers withdrew from the district by literally running away. Two tier policing as one of the few people arrested was a local white British woman who was allegedly taken into police custody for “her own protection”.
More British Movement street activity on the streets of Southport. No violence no rioting but a meaningful message.

SOUTHPORT: The Fourteen Words Matter Now More Than Ever Before.

The mass stabbing of young children, mostly girls at the dance studio in Southport has triggered a huge backlash against non-white immigration into Britain, and has exposed the toxic by products of multiculturalism. The Southport Atrocity has highlighted more than ever the need to make the Fourteen Words the centre of every British racial Nationalist and British National Socialist campaign.
British Movement activists on the street in Southport on august 7th 2024. No rioting, no looting, no fighting with the police – just taking the vital message out into this wounded town.
July 31st 2024. This was the floral tribute laid respectfully by activists from British Movement (North-West) bin the centre of Southport at the main memorial to the murdered girls.
On the streets of Southport – the British Movement message is distributed calmly and with determination to counter the multi-racial madness of enforced ‘diversity’ and imposed multiculturalism.
Across Europe – the Southport Atrocity is recognised.

British Movement says: – the multicultural version of Britain is starting to fall apart.

The recent riots in the Leeds district of Harehill will have come as a surprise only to those who have lived in a cave these past 20 years. For everyone else it was a drearily predictable (and frightening) portent of what our corrupt and incompetent political elites are determined to foist on the indigineous people of this country – large numbers of illiterate, angry and welfare-dependent males who are perfectly prepared to use violence in pursuit of their aims. 

But considerably more troubling was the speed with which these groups were able to mobilise en masse and seemingly doing so only minutes after having identified an existential threat. Although many of these ‘communities’ are riven with ideological and cultural schisms, they are able to rapidly put aside these differences and respond nimbly to anything they perceive as an enemy incursion. They act with impunity because they know full well that the police are reluctant to intervene because of the ‘community backlash’ that would ensue if the police decided to enforce the law with the same vigour that they reserve for indigenous people who dare to stand up for their rights.

As we have already seen in the General Election, groups who identify according to faith have no interest in domestic policies; they vote only in a manner which they believe will afford them the best chance of securing a permanent place at the high table of British society. Party politics is nothing more than a stalking horse by which they are able to smuggle their true agenda past the the credulous simpletons who pass for our elected representatives. They vote not to improve the lives of everyone, but in a way that aims to subjugate all indigenous folk and result in nothing less than the primacy of their own culture.

We should, therefore , be very worried about the speed with which such diverse groups of people are able to unite under the banner of religion whenever they perceive a threat. Although such groups are invariably riven by internal infighting, when it comes to defeating a common enemy, all such doctrinal differences are quickly set aside.

Sadly, white folk share no such common identity. Decades of media propaganda has rendered us divided, distracted and resigned to the inevitably of our decline. The notion of caring for our own folk seems seems to elude us whenever we are presented with an opportunity to satisfy our own selfish wants.

Many years ago, I had a conversation with a conspicuously successful Hindu businessman. He explained to me better than anyone before or since, the essential difference between Asian families and their white equivalents. He stated that in the main, the Asian family was a cohesive unit where all members were single-minded in their determination to focus their energy on the economic betterment of their extended family unit. In this model, everyone had an iron-clad duty to work for the common good and make whatever personal sacrifices necessary to achieve that goal. He cited an example whereby his sister unexpectedly lost her husband to a freak accident. As the sole breadwinner, his death placed this branch of their family in serious financial peril. Without giving the matter a second thought, her brothers resolved to pay their sister’s mortgage and household expenses for as long as it took for her to be able to support herself, no matter whether this took 12 months or 12 years to resolve. Such an obligation occasionally caused each brother to experience various degrees of personal hardship, but reneging on their promise to their sister was never an option. Their obligation to the well-being of the wider family unit trumped all personal considerations.

He also dispelled the notion that Asian-owned corner shops flourished only because Asians somehow worked ‘harder’ than their English counterparts. Running a corner shop that operates 7 days a week, 52 weeks is not for the faint-hearted. But Asians are consistently able to make a success of such ventures because each family member understands the role they are obligated to play in the collective success of the family venture. Children will return home from school and after completing their homework will undertake their shift in the shop. Relatives who may have their own jobs will also pitch in as required in order to ensure continuity of service. The participation of these peripheral family members allows the principals to work regular hours which they would not be able to do so were it not for the assistance they receive.

Such an arrangement is scarcely believable in indigenous white communities where we are consistently encouraged to prioritise immediate needs over the long-term moral and financial health of our folk. 

If, however, we are to stand any chance of arresting this decline, we must quickly rediscover our kinship and love of our own people and culture. A failure to do so quickly will spell nothing less than disaster.

Together with the Fourteen words – this is the message that British Movement is seeking to drill into the British public consciousness.
Contact British Movement

Under the Sunwheel: British Movement podcast.

Under the Sunwheel – the latest show

Listen to the latest on-line show featured now on Odysee – Sunwheel Studios or on the British Movement Northern region website.

Activism is what will take our Movement forward.
Active British National Socialism.

Revolution From Below: Part 3.

Developing Active British National Socialism.

Instilling In modern British society and within the White British public a recognition of and understanding of the Fourteen words.

The above quotation stands as true today in Britain as it did in the past.
Beating out the message like a drum. Constant repetition of all the elements that BM is opposed to in modern British society will lodge in the minds of the general public. Hopefully the message will seep through and begin to focus their minds on where our country is going wrong and perhaps move them in the right direction.
Our Country and our Folk are worth fighting for even if our victory is decades away in the distant future.

The General Election will generate future political chaos in Britain.

After a pending General Election is over there is a tremendous need to build and mobilise the White British population against the current political system before chaos sets in.
Britain is sliding into multicultural, multi-racial, multi-faith degeneracy where increasing Third World influences generate a sectarian, anti-British, anti-white political strata. Liberal social democracy is corrupting our national values and undermining our traditions, heritage and customs. If nothing is done to force radical change, the White British will become a racial minority in their homeland.
Basic, simple messages – easily remembered by the general public and it lets them know exactly where BM stands.
The British public have lost trust in the mainstream political parties and can seem them for the corruption, self interest and greed they embody. A recent survey has shown that trust in the political establishment and politicians amongst the British population is now at an all time low.

This is fertile ground for building a grassroots British National Socialist alternative.

What Britain Needs is a Total Break from a Political System Where Organisations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) Exert Influence.

Rishi Sunak was appointed Prime Minister by a clique within the Conservative Party, he was not elected Prime Minister by the British electorate. Sunak is a globalist technocrat with a track record of attending the WEF conferences in Davos.
Labour Party leader and would-be Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is another globalist technocrat who is totally at home at the WEF conferences in Davos. Starmer is on record saying that he prefers the conferences at Davos to attending debates in the House of Commons!

Under the Sunwheel and Not On Our Watch! British Movement pod casts. listen on Odysee or via the British Movement Northern region website.

Odysee :

Sunwheel Studios for Under the Sunwheel and Not On Our Watch!

BNSM SCOTLAND Now on Telegram
BM Podcasts – Under the Sunwheel and Not On Our Watch! available on this site.

British Movement: Revolution from Below. Part 2.

The British White Working Class. The working class are the bed rock of the ‘Revolution from Below’ and an important step towards building a British National Socialist alternative to the current ‘multicultural and multiracial’ society is to develop and alternative to the Marxist led trade unions.

This is an article by a British Movement supporter in Essex, which proposes how the broader British racial Nationalist organisations should challenge the current trade union movement for working-class support. This was based on observations on the ‘Patriot’ march and rally held in central London on Saturday June 1st 2024 organised by assorted ‘civic nationalists’ allied to Tommy Robinson and was in no way an event reflecting British racial Nationalism and National Socialism but offered fertile ground for building on;

“Even the most pessimistic of Nationalists will recognise that at long last, the indigenous British people are finally waking up to the corrosive effect wrought by decades of unfettered and unskilled immigration. For as long as anyone can remember, people who believe in nothing more controversial than the preservation of this country’s culture and sense of fair play have been labelled as ‘racist’ by our political elite and their executive arm, the mainstream media.

But last weekend’s central London march organised by Tommy Robinson, provides the first tentative signs that ordinary people are tired of being marginalised and demonised for holding views which the majority of people regard as perfectly reasonable. Leaving aside any consideration of Mr Robinson’s ultimate motives, the right should derive some measure of comfort that he was able to mobilise a large group of patriots at such short notice despite the best efforts of the state and politicians to prevent this gathering.

Nevertheless, before we get carried away we should also recognise that politicians traditionally pay little heed to such protests. They are simply a barometer of who believes what, as evidenced by the wildly disparate groups of people who attend rallies in aid of Palestine and a return to the EU. The former comprises professional virtue signallers, students and ‘academics’ whilst the latter resembles your average home counties branch of Waitrose on a Saturday morning. What Saturday undeniably demonstrated, however, was that white working class people are implacably opposed to mass immigration and the attendant costs it poses in terms of spiralling crime and the increasing burden it places on the already creaking welfare state.

But if we accept the premise that the political elite does not recognise mass demonstrations, what positives, if any, can we draw from Saturday?

Because white working class people are often portrayed in the media as stupid and malleable – white van driving football hooligans – it is invariably forgotten that they are solely responsible for the smooth running of daily life in this country. Public transport, healthcare services, utilities and maintenance of the road network are dependant not on policy makers and bean counting bureaucrats but on working people operating both at the metaphorical and literal coalface. Without working people, the services we take for granted would literally grind to a halt overnight.

So what does this mean for the future of nationalism if the current first past the post electoral system offers little opportunities for change and that street protests are largely ignored?

The answer must lie with reinvigorating the trade union movement by loosening the grip of its left wing leaders. For too long, organisations that profess to represent the working class are nothing more than vehicles for the enrichment of its officials and the championing of causes that most ordinary people regard as repellent, but are nonetheless required to fund with their contributions and taxes.

A retaking of the trade unions by credible and sensible nationalists is a huge task which will require not only money, but equivalent amounts of time and energy.

Unlike the Labour Party, the Nationalist community enjoys no such alliance – it has always been fractured and riven by petty divisions resulting in the endless formation of splinter groups and internal schisms over issues which are of no importance to rank and file voters . Nationalists need to ‘rebrand’ themselves as the true voice of working people and distance themselves from those who regard politics simply as an opportunity to express their hatred for others.

The failure of nationalists to achieve meaningful electoral success can be attributed to its inability to address a captive audience of working people within the trade union movement. This approach will not appeal to everyone. Building grass roots support can often resemble a Sisyphean task requiring persistence and skill lacking in many so-called right wing activists. But without building a solid support base within an established structure like the trade union movement it is doomed to remain forever on the margins of society.

Getting the BM message out by traditional methods is important, but building a presence in communities requires much more.
The concept of the Fourteen Words must be hammered home so that even the politically inactive members of the British public understand what it means.
Building a National Socialist alternative to the Left-wing dominated trade unions.
Building a British National Socialist alternative.

Fighting Back Against the Toxic Impact of a Multicultural Britain.

Many times it has been said that the indigenous White British population were never consulted or given an opportunity to prevent the importation, settlement and eventual colonisation of British towns and cities by black, brown and other non-white populations.

Many times mainstream British politicians have deceived the British electorate about the reality of immigration, the impact of black, Asian and other non-white and Third World immigrants colonising Britain, of forcing changes to British laws and services to accomodate their cultures, customs and religious practices.

In recent months the Conservative MP and government minister Michael Gove claimed that the United Kingdom was a “success” because it was a “multicultural, multiracial, multi-faith democracy”. Ignoring the fact that over the decades since 1948, this situation has been imposed on the majority White British population whether they wanted it or not. British Movement has always opposed immigration, has always opposed multiculturalism, has always opposed the concept of a multi-racial Britain. It is not too late to halt the Great Replacement, to reverse the Third World invasion and colonisation of Britain and to make the idea of the Fourteen Words the cornerstone of a new way forward.

This is one of the messages that British Movement needs to hammer into the British public consciousness.
The liberal mainstream media refuses to accept that the Great Replacement is actually happening to Britain, Europe and even the USA. The mainstream media insists that the Great Replacement is an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, a product of racist imagination and the liberal insistence that Open Borders is justified on humanitarian grounds.
The reality is that the surplus population of the Third World is flooding into Europe, is pouring across the southern borders of the USA, is literally invading the UK in a cross Channel armada of small boats, and now a slow but evident illegal migration is starting to hit Australia.
Unchecked illegal immigration is a dagger at the throat of the indigenous white British population. At the current rates of both legal and illegal immigration into Great Britain the previous forecasts that the White British would become an ‘ethnic minority’ in their homeland by 2066 are now being re-calculated and that doomsday event is rapidly moving forward in time.
14 WORDS – the Way Forward!
Only by directly appealing to the British public and getting the message out repeatedly can the influence of modern British National Socialism be built into the national consciousness.

We Will Have Our Country Back!

The Message on the Streets – driving the message into the public consciousness – Britain Awake!
Forget the Green Party wild plans, false promises and carbon neutral schemes – think Blood and Soil.
Within Days of announcing a General Election for the UK electorate, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced future plans for National Service in Britain. Strange because British Movement has already circulated British National Socialist plans for a system of National Service – perhaps some Whitehall civil servant read the BM policy and copied and pasted it.

The British Movement policy on National Service has been around long before the desperate Conservative Party announcement by unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. A policy that the British government either Conservative or Labour will not actually put in place.

Fourteen Words – the motto on which to take our country back!

British Movement: Revolution From Below. Part 1.

Part 1. The White Towns Strategy. It is always best to seek out a receptive public when initiating a new campaign on the streets. Several years ago British Movement introduced the ‘White Towns Strategy’, which took literature distribution into town centres, specifically targeting smaller towns, market towns and shire towns which had little or no ethnic minority populations.

Campaigning on the Streets in Britain in 2024. The old street politics tactics are no longer possible in the UK in 2024, the restrictions on protests, marches or static demonstrations and ‘two tier policing’ make it imperative that British NS and racial Nationalists have to take extra care not to provoke an oppressive response from the Police. A prime example of ‘two tier policing’ and the shift in what is permitted by ‘woke’ authorities was the aggressive action by the Metropolitan Police towards patriots in Whitehall on the Remembrance weekend November 11th 2023. Over 100 patriots were rounded up in a mass arrest, only to be released without charge many hours later. On the same weekend the MET Police stood back as left-wing pro-Palestine, pro-Gaza demonstrators marched through central London and broke any number of Public order regulations without any arrests.

Britain in the 21st Century needs National Socialism to overturn decades of political corruption and national decay.
Fourteen Words – a motto the political Left hates….
The British state must not be allowed to continue ‘two-tier policing’ and wrongly labelling British racial Nationalists and National Socialists as “extremists” and potential terrorists. The arrests and persecution of patriots must end.
These ideas need to be pushed forward into every British household.
An appeal to British youth to look towards a real future.